Recently I posted a blog about performing mobile notary service for an elderly woman in an assisted living center. The type of notary service was a Power of Attorney. The notarized documents would provide this woman and her family the rights they needed to remove her from a neglectful assisted living center that was not giving her proper care and grant her daughter the right to care for her.
I received a follow up request regarding the Power of Attorney. When I arrived at the client’s home to perform notary service I couldn’t believe my eyes! The woman who had previously looked frail and ill was now healthy and vibrant. A previously untreated infection had cleared up and even her skin tone looked warm. She recognized me and was very happy to see me. It was immediately evident that the love and proper care she was receiving had completely turned her whole life around.
I notarized another Power of Attorney and some health care documents for her. As I left I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled at me. The client told me that if it wasn’t for my mobile notary services her mom wouldn’t be with her in her home today. There are moments when in this profession I’ve chosen can seem sterile and thankless. But when my mobile notary services can truly make a difference in someone’s life makes it all that much more rewarding.